Color of Clothing & Make-up

Woman wearing a purple turtleneck
Q: With this fall’s eye make up trends turning to strong color (jewel tones) and smoky eyes, how do I determine what color clothing to wear with what color make up?
A: First of all, you want to always match your make-up to your clothing, instead of the other way around. Trying to select clothing based on make-up colors would be like buying a car based on the available paint colors. On the plus side, choosing a color palette for an individual is fairly straightforward. The easiest and most modern method is to use the Silver/Gold typing method.
Simply take a piece of silver jewelry and a piece of gold jewelry, and place them against the skin near one another. Whichever metal stands out most against your skin is your “color type”. Those who are gold types should focus on warmer colors: reds, gold, copper, orange, yellow, etc. Silver types are best suited to cooler shades: blue, violet, green, silver, platinum, etc.
You should choose your colors in clothing and make-up based on these considerations, and remember that make-up is meant as an enhancement rather than a feature.
Photo: Oleg Gekman/Shutterstock
See also:
Color types
How can I accentuate the color of my eyes?